There is no flow in PP but there is some sequence in PP to know by Abapers to develope PP Objects.
Master -
1. Create Resource using CRC1 ie like Mixing Tank.
It is stored in CRHD table. The resource is stored in ARBPL(Work center) field.
Note - An Euipment can also be a resource. Then an Equipment is assigned to Resource in IE03.
2. Create Activity type master in KL01 like Contract Lobour. It is created for a Controlling Area.
It is stored in CSLA table.
3. For a resource maintain the activities in CRC2 ie for resource Mixing tank maintain Contract Labour. Maintain the Activity wrt to Controlling Area
and Cost Center.
It is stored in CRCO.
4. Maintain the activity costs in KP26.
It is stored in COST table. Can be selected by OBJNR field. OBJNR = KL10000001000044CASUAL(KL + Controlling Area - 1000 +
Cost Center - 0001000044 + Activity Type - CASUAL)
Cost Center - 0001000044 + Activity Type - CASUAL)
5. Create a BOM for a Final Product in CS01.
It is stored in STKO, STPO tables. The relation between STKO and STPO is in STAS.
6. Create a Master Receipe for Final Product using C201. It contains both BOM and Operations. BOM can also be directly created here(C201).
Operations means Resource and Steps.
For an operation Characteristics can be defined.
Master Recipe Operation are stored in PLKO, PLPO tables with type '2'. 2 - Master Receipe. The relation between PLKO and PLPO is in PLAS.
Master Recipe's Operation's Inspection Plan are stored in PLMK table with type '2'. 2 - Master Receipe.
Master Recipe and its BOM version no are stored in MKAL.
Allocation of BOM items to oprations - PLMZ
Master Recipe and its BOM version no are stored in MKAL.
Allocation of BOM items to oprations - PLMZ
Note: BOM if created in CS01, is attached in Master Receipe(C201). Other wise is created with Master Receipe(C201).
7. Run the Cost Estimate in CK11N, ie it calculates cost based on Master Receipe's Raw Material Costs and Operation's Resource's Activity Type's
Transaction -
1. Create Process Order in COR1.
It is stored in AFKO, AFPO.
2. Release the Process Order in COR2. After releasing, Reservation Number will be created based on BOM and Routing number of operations in the
order will be created based on Master Recepe's Operations. An Inspection Lot is created with Master Receipe's Operations Inspection Plan.
Goods Issues for the order will be done aganist reservation no.
Reservation details will be stored in RESB table.
Routing No will be stored in AFVC table.
3. Issue Goods to Order by MIGO. (Mvt Types - 261, 262)
Material document are stored in AUFM, MKPF, MSEG. A corresponding FI document is created with movement types 99 - Stock Outward Movement and 81 - Costs. Accounting Document details are availabe in BKPF, BSEG. Costs item is available in BSIS and Stock Outward movement item is available in BSIM.
4. Confirm the Order by CORK or COR6N(Operation wise). Order Confirmation will be done Phase wise. To display Process Order Confirmation CORT.
5. Receive Goods for Order by MIGO. (Mvt Types - 101, 102)
Material document are stored in AUFM, MKPF, MSEG. A corresponding FI document is created with movement types 89 - Stock Inward Movement and 91 - Costs. Accounting Document details are availabe in BKPF, BSEG. Costs item is available in BSIS and Stock Inward movement item is available in BSIM.
6. QC Clearence.
Tables -
MAPL - Linking Final Product to Master receipe
MAST - Linking Matrial to BOM
S027 - Final Product Costs wrt to Material and Activity
MDKP - Header Data for MRP Document
MDTB MRP Table Structure (no data)
PLSC Planning Scenario (Long-term Planning)
MDFD MRP Firming Dates
MDVM Planning File Entries
S094 LIS -- Stock/Requirements Analysis
PLSC Planning Scenario (Long-term Planning)
MDFD MRP Firming Dates
MDVM Planning File Entries
S094 LIS -- Stock/Requirements Analysis
PLAF - Planned Order
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