Monday, May 16, 2011

Important Tables in SAP FI

Financial Accounting
Table Name           Description                           Important Fields
Financial Accounting
FBAS             Financial Accounting “Basis”
BKPF             Accounting Document Header              BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR
BSEG             Accounting Document Segment             BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI
BSIP             Index for Vendor Validation of Double   BUKRS / LIFNR / WAERS / BLDAT /
                 Documents                               XBLNR / WRBTR / BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI
BVOR             Inter Company Posting Procedure         BVORG / BUKRS / GJAHR / BELNR
EBKPF            Accounting Document Header (docs from   GLSBK / BELNR / GJHAR / GLEBK
                 External Systems)
FRUN             Run Date of a Program                   PRGID
KLPA             Customer / Vendor Linking               NKULI / NBUKR / NKOAR / PNTYP
                                                         / VKULI / VBUKR / VKOAR

KNB4             Customer Payment History                KUNNR / BUKRS
KNB5             Customer Master Dunning Data            KUNNR / BUKRS / MABER
KNBK             Customer Master Bank Details            KUNNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
KNC1             Customer Master Transaction Figures     KUNNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
KNC3             Customer Master Special GL Transactions KUNNR / BUKRS / GJAHR / SHBKZ
LFB5             Vendor Master Dunning Data              LIFNR / BUKRS / MABER
LFBK             Vendor Master Bank Details              LIFNR / BANKS / BANKL / BANKN
LFC1             Vendor Master Transaction Figures       LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
LFC3             Vendor Master Special GL Transactions   LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR / SHBKZ
VBKPF            Document Header for Document Parking    AUSBK / BUKRS / BELNR / GJHAR
FBASCORE         Financial Accounting General Services “Basis”
KNB1             Customer Master (Company Code)          KUNNR / BUKRS
LFA1             Vendor Master (General Section)         LIFNR
LFB1             Vendor Master (company Code Section)    LIFNR / BUKRS
SKA1             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)  KTOPL / SAKNR
SKAT             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR
MAHNS            Accounts Blocked by Dunning Selection   KOART / BUKRS / KONKO / MABER
MHNK             Dunning Data (Account Entries)          LAUFD / LAUFI / KOART / BUKRS /
                                                         KUNNR / LIFNR / CPDKY / SKNRZE /
                                                         SMABER / SMAHSK / BUSAB
FI-GL-GL (FBS)   General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions- G/L Accounts
SKAS             G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts – SPRAS / KTOPL / SAKNR / SCHLW
                 Key Word list)
SKB1             G/L Account Master (Company Code)       BUKRS / SAKNR
FI-GL-GL (FBSC)  General Ledger Accounting: Basic
                 Functions - R/3 Customizing for G/L Accounts
FIGLREP          Settings for G/L Posting Reports        MANDT
TSAKR            Create G/L account with reference       BUKRS / SAKNR
FI-GL-GL (FFE)   General Ledger Accounting: Basic
                 Functions - Fast Data Entry
KOMU             Account Assignment Templates for G/L    KMNAM / KMZEI
                 Account items
FI-AR-AR (FBD)   Accounts Receivable: Basic Functions - Customers                 
KNKA             Customer Master Credit Management :     KUNNR
                 Central Data
KNKK             Customer Master Credit Management :     KUNNR / KKBER
                 Control Area Data
KNKKF1           Credit Management : FI Status data      LOGSYS / KUNNR / KKBER / REGUL
RFRR             Accounting Data – A/R and A/P           RELID / SRTFD / SRTF2
                 Information System
FI-BL-PT         Bank Accounting: Payment (BFIBL_CHECK_D)  Transactions – General Sections
PAYR             Payment Medium File                     ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / RZAWE /
PCEC             Pre-numbered Check                      ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / STAPL
FI-BL-PT-AP(FMZA)Bank Accounting: Payment Transactions – Automatic Payments                 
F111G            Global Settings for Payment Program for MANDT
                 Payment Requests
FDZA             Cash Management Line Items in Payment   KEYNO
PAYRQ            Payment Requests                        KEYNO
Table name :  SKB1 : G/L Account Master ( Company Code)


     BUKRS : Company Code  

     SAKNR : G/L Account 


Table name :  SKA1 : G/L Account Master ( Chart of Accounts )


     KTOPL : Char of Accounts  

     SAKNR : G/L Account 


Table name :  SKAT : G/L Account Master Record ( Chart of Accounts)
: Description )


     SPRAS : Language

     KTOPL : Char of Accounts  

     SAKNR : G/L Account 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Maintenance Object Attributes

Within Transaction SOBJ you can maintain the object attribute 'Current Settings'. If you set this flag for a specific object, you can maintain the data of this object within a production client, where no changes are allowed. Current Settings are only working within a client with 'Client role' Production. Within clients with another role the flag 'Current Settings' has no effect. The role of the client can be seen with transaction SCC4 within field 'Client role'.
In production clients normally changes to repository objects are not allowed. Start transaction SCC4, double-click the line with the production client, take a look into frame 'Cross-Client Object Changes'. If one of those options is set, changes to repository objects are not allowed: (1 No changes to cross-client Customizing objects; 2 No changes to Repository objects). Therefore the flag 'Current Settings' needs to be set within your development system. Afterwards transport those settings to your production system.
The amount of objects, which has set the flag 'Current Settings' will be defined by SAP and represents the most commonly used requirements of our customers.

SAP Customizing Tools Overview

Application component Description Transactions Description
BC-CUS-TOL-ALO Activity Log SCU3 Table History
BC-CUS-TOL-BCD Business Configuration Sets SCPR3
Display and maintain BC Sets
Activate BC Sets
BC Set Activation Logs
BC-CUS-TOL-CST Cross-System Tools SCU0
Customizing Cross-System Viewer
View/Table Comparison
BC-CUS-TOL-ECP Copy Function Entities EC01 to EC16 Org.Object Copier:...
BC-CUS-TOL-HMT Hierarchy Repository    
BC-CUS-TOL-IMG Implementation Guide SPRO
Customizing - Edit Project
Project Analysis in Customizing
BC-CUS-TOL-NAV Business Navigator    
BC-CUS-TOL-PAD Project Administration (IMG) SPRO_ADMIN Customizing - Project Management
BC-CUS-TOL-TME View Maintenance Tool SM30
Call View Maintenance
Viewcluster maintenance call
Generate table view
Maintenance Object Attributes

Table History

With transaction SCU3 you can evaluate change logs of table data records.