We can use the function module XXL_FULL_API to downlpad internal table into Excel File. The Excel sheet which is generated by this function module contains the column headings and the key columns are highlighted with a different color. Other options that are available with this function module are we can swap two columns or supress a field from displaying on the Excel sheet. The simple code for the usage of this function module is given below.
REPORT Excel. TABLES: sflight. * header data................................ DATA : header1 LIKE gxxlt_p-text VALUE 'Suresh', header2 LIKE gxxlt_p-text VALUE 'Excel sheet'. * Internal table for holding the SFLIGHT data DATA BEGIN OF t_sflight OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE sflight. DATA END OF t_sflight. * Internal table for holding the horizontal key. DATA BEGIN OF t_hkey OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_h. DATA END OF t_hkey . * Internal table for holding the vertical key. DATA BEGIN OF t_vkey OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_v. DATA END OF t_vkey . * Internal table for holding the online text.... DATA BEGIN OF t_online OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_o. DATA END OF t_online. * Internal table to hold print text............. DATA BEGIN OF t_print OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_p. DATA END OF t_print. * Internal table to hold SEMA data.............. DATA BEGIN OF t_sema OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_s. DATA END OF t_sema. * Retreiving data from sflight. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE t_sflight. * Text which will be displayed online is declared here.... t_online-line_no = '1'. t_online-info_name = 'Created by'. t_online-info_value = 'Vinoth'. APPEND t_online. * Text which will be printed out.......................... t_print-hf = 'H'. t_print-lcr = 'L'. t_print-line_no = '1'. t_print-text = 'This is the header'. APPEND t_print. t_print-hf = 'F'. t_print-lcr = 'C'. t_print-line_no = '1'. t_print-text = 'This is the footer'. APPEND t_print. * Defining the vertical key columns....... t_vkey-col_no = '1'. t_vkey-col_name = 'MANDT'. APPEND t_vkey. t_vkey-col_no = '2'. t_vkey-col_name = 'CARRID'. APPEND t_vkey. t_vkey-col_no = '3'. t_vkey-col_name = 'CONNID'. APPEND t_vkey. t_vkey-col_no = '4'. t_vkey-col_name = 'FLDATE'. APPEND t_vkey. * Header text for the data columns................ t_hkey-row_no = '1'. t_hkey-col_no = 1. t_hkey-col_name = 'PRICE'. APPEND t_hkey. t_hkey-col_no = 2. t_hkey-col_name = 'CURRENCY'. APPEND t_hkey. t_hkey-col_no = 3. t_hkey-col_name = 'PLANETYPE'. APPEND t_hkey. t_hkey-col_no = 4. t_hkey-col_name = 'SEATSMAX'. APPEND t_hkey. t_hkey-col_no = 5. t_hkey-col_name = 'SEATSOCC'. APPEND t_hkey. t_hkey-col_no = 6. t_hkey-col_name = 'PAYMENTSUM'. APPEND t_hkey. * populating the SEMA data.......................... t_sema-col_no = 1. t_sema-col_typ = 'STR'. t_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 2. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 3. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 4. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 5. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 6. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 7. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 8. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 9. APPEND t_sema. t_sema-col_no = 10. t_sema-col_typ = 'NUM'. t_sema-col_ops = 'ADD'. APPEND t_sema. CALL FUNCTION 'XXL_FULL_API' EXPORTING * DATA_ENDING_AT = 54 * DATA_STARTING_AT = 5 filename = 'TESTFILE' header_1 = header1 header_2 = header2 no_dialog = 'X' no_start = ' ' n_att_cols = 6 n_hrz_keys = 1 n_vrt_keys = 4 sema_type = 'X' * SO_TITLE = ' ' TABLES data = t_sflight hkey = t_hkey online_text = t_online print_text = t_print sema = t_sema vkey = t_vkey EXCEPTIONS cancelled_by_user = 1 data_too_big = 2 dim_mismatch_data = 3 dim_mismatch_sema = 4 dim_mismatch_vkey = 5 error_in_hkey = 6 error_in_sema = 7 file_open_error = 8 file_write_error = 9 inv_data_range = 10 inv_winsys = 11 inv_xxl = 12 OTHERS = 13 . IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.
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