AL01 | SAP Alert Monitor |
AL02 | Database alert monitor |
AL03 | Operating system alert monitor |
AL04 | Monitor call distribution |
AL05 | Monitor current workload |
AL06 | Performance: Upload/Download |
AL07 | EarlyWatch Report |
AL08 | Users Logged On |
AL09 | Data for database expertise |
AL10 | Download to Early Watch |
AL11 | Display SAP Directories |
AL12 | Display table buffer (Exp. session) |
AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert mode) |
AL15 | Customize SAPOSCOL destination |
AL16 | Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst. |
AL17 | Remote Alert Monitor for Operat. Syst. |
AL18 | Local File System Monitor |
AL19 | Remote File System Monitor |
AL20 | EarlyWatch Data Collector List |
AL21 | ABAP Program analysis |
AL22 | Dependent objects display |
CREF | Cross-reference |
BD64 | Create a distribution model |
BSVW | Linkage Status Update-Workflow Event |
CMOD | Enhancements |
DB01 | Analyze exclusive lock waits |
DB02 | Analyze tables and indexes |
DB03 | Parameter changes in database |
DB11 | Early Watch Profile Maintenance |
DB12 | Overview of Backup Logs |
DB13 | Database administration calendar |
DB14 | Show SAPDBA Action Logs |
DB15 | Data Archiving: Database Tables |
DB16 | DB System Check: Monitor |
DB17 | DB System Check: Configuration |
DMIG | Start Transaction for Data Migration |
DB2 | Select Database Activities |
DB20 | DB Cost-Based Optimizer: Tab. Stats |
DB21 | DB Cost-Based Optimizer: Config. |
DB24 | Database Operations Monitor |
DB26 | DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration |
DB2J | Manage JCL jobs for OS/390 |
DBCO | Database Connection Maintenance |
FILE | Cross-Client File Names/Paths |
NACE | WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen |
OAA1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Maint.user st.syst |
OAA3 | SAP ArchiveLink protocols |
OAA4 | SAP ArchiveLink applic.maintenance |
OAAD | ArchiveLink Administration Documents |
OAC2 | SAP ArchiveLink: Globaldoc. types |
OAC5 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code entry |
OACA | SAP ArchiveLink workflow parameters |
OAD0 | SAP ArchiveLink: Objectlinks |
OAD2 | SAP ArchiveLink document classes |
OAD3 | SAP ArchiveLink: Link tables |
OAD4 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types |
OAD5 | SAP ArchiveLink: Customizing Wizard |
OADR | SAP ArchiveLink: Print list search |
OAM1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Monitoring |
OAOR | SAP ArchiveLink: Storeddocuments |
OARE | SAP ArchiveLink:St.syst.return codes |
OS01 | LAN check with ping |
OS03 | O/S Parameter changes |
OS04 | Local System Configuration |
OS05 | Remote System Cconfiguration |
OS06 | Local Operating System Activity |
OS07 | Remote Operating SystemActivity |
OSS1 | Logon to Online ServiceSystem |
OY18 | Table history |
OY08 | Development Class Overview |
PFCG | Activity Group |
PFUD | Authorization Profile comparison |
RLOG | Data migration logging |
RZ01 | Job Scheduling Monitor |
RZ02 | Network Graphics for SAP Instances |
RZ03 | Presentation, Control SAP Instances |
RZ04 | Maintain SAP Instances |
RZ06 | Alerts Thresholds Maintenance |
RZ08 | SAP Alert Monitor |
RZ10 | Maintenance of profile parameters |
RZ11 | Profile parameter maintenance |
RZ12 | Maintain RFC Server Group Assignment |
RZ20 | CCMS Monitoring |
RZ21 | Customize CCMS Alert Monitor |
SA38 | ABAP/4 Reporting |
SAD0 | Address Management call |
SADC | Address: Maint. communication types |
SALE | Display ALE Customizing |
SAIN | Plug-in Installation |
SARI | Archive Information System |
SAR3 | Customizing Archiving |
SAR4 | Define Archiving Class |
SAR5 | Assign Archiving Class |
SAR6 | Archiving Time Generator |
SARA | Archive management |
SARL | Call of ArchiveLink Monitor |
SARP | Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute |
SART | Display Reporting Tree |
SB01 | Business Navigator - Component View |
SB02 | Business Navigator - Process flow vw |
SBAS | Assignments to Process Model Elemts |
SC38 | Start Report Immediately |
SCAT | Computer Aided Test Tool |
SCC0 | Client Copy |
SCC1 | Client Copy - Special Selections |
SCC2 | Client transport |
SCC3 | Client Copy Log |
SCC4 | Client administration |
SCC5 | Client Delete |
SCC6 | Client Import |
SCC7 | Client Import - Post Processing |
SCC8 | Client Export |
SCC9 | Remote Client Copy |
SCCL | Local Client Copy |
SCDO | Display Change DocumentObjects |
SCMP | View / Table Comparison |
SCOM | SAPcomm: Configuration |
SCON | SAPconnect - Administration |
SCPF | Generate enterprise IMG |
SCPR | Customizing Profiles : Maintenance Tool |
SCPR | Comparing Customizing profiles |
SCUA | Central User Administration : Distribution Model Assigment |
SCUG | Central User Administration Structure Display |
SCUL | Idoc distribution log |
SCUM | Central User Administration Field Selection |
SCU0 | Table Analyses And Comparison |
SCU1 | Table Comparison - Export to Tape |
SCU2 | Table Comparison Against Tape |
SCU3 | Table History |
SD11 | Data Modeler |
SDBE | Explain an SQL Statement |
SECR | Audit Information System |
SE01 | Transport and Correction System |
SE02 | Environment Analyzer |
SE03 | Transport Utilities |
SE06 | Set up Workbench Organizer |
SE07 | Transport System Status Display |
SE09 | Workbench Organizer (Initial Screen) |
SE10 | Customizing Organizer |
SE11 | Data Dictionary Maintenance |
SE12 | Data Dictionary Display |
SE13 | Maintain Technical Settings (Tables) |
SE14 | Convert Data Dictionary tables on Database Level |
SE15 | Repository Info System |
SE16 | Display Table Content |
SE17 | Generate Table Display |
SE30 | ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis |
SE32 | ABAP Text Element Maintenance |
SE33 | Context Builder |
SE35 | ABAP/4 Dialog Modules |
SE36 | Logical databases |
SE37 | ABAP Function Modules |
SE38 | ABAP Editor |
SE39 | Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare |
SE40 | MP: Standards Maint. and Translation |
SE41 | Menu Painter |
SE43 | Maintain Area Menu |
SE51 | Screen Painter |
SE52 | Parameterized screenpainter call |
SE54 | Generate table view |
SE55 | Internal table view maintenance call |
SE56 | internal call: display table view |
SE57 | internal delete table view call |
SE61 | R/3 Documentation |
SE62 | Industry Utilities |
SE63 | Translation: Initial Screen |
SE71 | SAPscript form |
SE72 | SAPscript Styles |
SE73 | SAPscript font maintenance (revised) |
SE74 | SAPscript format conversion |
SE75 | SAPscript Settings |
SE76 | SAPscript: Form Translation |
SE77 | SAPscript Translation Styles |
SE78 | SAPscript: Graphics administration |
SE80 | Object Navigator |
SE81 | Application Hierarchy |
SE82 | Application Hierarchy |
SE84 | R/3 Repository Information System |
SE85 | ABAP/4 Repository Information System |
SE86 | ABAP Repository Information System |
SE88 | Development Coordination Info System |
SE89 | Maintain Trees in Information System |
SE91 | Maintain Messages |
SE92 | New SysLog Msg Maintenance as of 46A |
SE93 | Maintain Transaction Codes |
SE94 | Customer enhancement simulation |
SE95 | Modification Browser |
SEPS | SAP Electronic Parcel Service |
SERP | Reporting: Change Tree Structure |
SEU | Repository Browser |
SF01 | Client-Specific File Names |
SFAW | Field Selection Maintenance |
SIAC | Web Object Administration |
SHDB | Record Batch Input |
SICK | Installation Check |
SIN1 | SAPBPT: Inbox |
SINA | SAPBPT: Maintain Standard Config. |
SLG0 | Application Log: ObjectMaintenance |
SLIN | ABAP: Extended Program Check |
SM01 | Lock Transactions |
SM02 | System Messages |
SM04 | User Overview |
SM12 | Display and Delete Locks |
SM13 | Display Update Records |
SM14 | Update Program Administration |
SM21 | System log |
SM23 | System Log Analysis |
SM28 | Installation Check |
SM29 | Model Transfer for Tables |
SM30 | Call Up View Maintenance |
SM31 | Table maintenance |
SM31_OLD | Old Table Maintenance |
SM32 | Maintain Table Parameter ID TAB |
SM33 | Display Table ParameterID TAB |
SM34 | Viewcluster maintenancecall |
SM35 | Batch Input Monitoring |
SM36 | Batch request |
SM37 | Background job overview |
SM38 | Queue Maintenance Transaction |
SM39 | Job analysis |
SM49 | Execute Logical Commands |
SM50 | Work Process Overview |
SM51 | List of SAP Servers |
SM54 | TXCOM maintenance |
SM55 | THOST maintenance |
SM56 | Number Range Buffer |
SM58 | Asynchronous RFC Error Log |
SM59 | RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) |
SM60 | Borrow/Return Objects |
SM61 | Backgroup control objects monitor |
SM62 | Create SAP events |
SM63 | Display/Maintain Operating Mode Sets |
SM64 | Release of an event |
SM65 | Background Processing Analysis Tool |
SM66 | System-wide Work Process Overview |
SM67 | Job scheduling |
SM68 | Job administration |
SM69 | Display/Maintain Logical Commands |
SMEN | Dynamic menu |
SMGW | Gateway Monitor |
SMLG | Maintain Logon Group |
SMLI | Language import utility |
SMLT | Language transport utility |
SMOD | SAP Enhancement Management |
SMT1 | Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.) |
SMT2 | Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.) |
SMW0 | SAP Web Repository |
SMX | Display Own Jobs |
SNRO | Number Range Objects |
SO02 | SAPoffice: Outbox |
SO03 | SAPoffice: Private Folders |
SO04 | SAPoffice: Shared Folders |
SO05 | SAPoffice: Private Trash |
SO06 | SAPoffice: Substitutionon/off |
SO07 | SAPoffice: Resubmission |
SO10 | SAPscript: Standard Texts |
SO12 | SAPoffice: User Master |
SO13 | SAPoffice: Substitute |
SO15 | SAPoffice: DistributionLists |
SO16 | SAPoffice: Profile |
SO17 | SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash |
SO18 | SAPoffice: Shared Trash |
SO19 | SAPoffice: Default Documents |
SO21 | Maintain PC Work Directory |
SO22 | SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files |
SO23 | SAPoffice: DistributionLists |
SO24 | SAPoffice: Maintenance of default PC |
SO28 | Maintain SOGR |
SO30 | SAPoffice: Reorg. |
SO31 | Reorganization (daily) |
SO36 | Create Automatic Forwarding |
SO38 | SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths. |
SO40 | SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet MAIL |
SO41 | SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet TELEFAX |
SO42 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_K |
SO43 | SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_M |
SO44 | SAPoffice: Cust. LayoutSet TELEX |
SO70 | Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure |
SO71 | Test plan management |
SO72 | Maintain Hypertext Module |
SO73 | Import graphic into SAPfind |
SO80 | SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Dialog |
SO81 | SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test) |
SO82 | SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch |
SO95 | Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec. |
SO99 | Put Information System |
SOA0 | ArchiveLink Workflow document types |
SOBJ | Attribute Maintenance Objects |
SOLE | OLE Applications |
SOLI | Load OLE type info |
SOPE | Exclude Document Classes |
SOTD | SAPoffice: Maintain Object Types |
SOY1 | SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users |
SOY2 | SAPoffice: Statistics data collect. |
SOY3 | SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation |
SOY4 | SAPoffice: Access overview |
SOY5 | SAPoffice: Inbox overview |
SOY6 | SAPoffice: Document overview |
SOY7 | SAPoffice: Folder overview |
SOY8 | SAPoffice: Mass Archiving |
SOY9 | SAPoffice: Inbox Reorg. |
SOYA | SAPoffice: Change folder owner |
SP00 | Spool and Relate Area |
SP01 | Spool Control |
SP02 | Display output Requests |
SP03 | Spool: Load Formats |
SP11 | TemSe Contents |
SP12 | TemSe Administration |
SPAD | Spool Management |
SPAM | SAP Patch Manager (SPAM) |
SPAU | Display Modified DE Objects |
SPCC | Spool Consistency check |
SPDD | Display Modified DDIC objects |
SPHA | Telephony administration |
SPIC | Spool : Installation Check |
SPRM | Current Customizing |
SPRO | Customizing |
SQ01 | SAP Query: Maintain queries |
SQ02 | SAP Query: Maintain funct. areas |
SQ03 | SAP Query: Maintain user groups |
SQ07 | SAP Query: Language comparison |
SQVI | QuickViewer |
SSAA | System Administration Assistant |
SSCA | Appointment Diary: Administration |
SSM1 | Session Manager generation call |
SSM5 | Create Activity Group |
ST01 | System Trace |
ST02 | Setups/Tune Buffers |
ST03 | Performance, SAP Statistics, Workload |
ST04 | Select activity of the databases |
ST05 | SQL Trace |
ST06 | Operating System Monitor |
ST07 | Application monitor |
ST08 | Network Monitor |
ST09 | Network Alert Monitor |
ST10 | Table Call Statistics |
ST11 | Display Developer Traces |
ST12 | Application Monitor |
ST14 | Application Analysis |
ST22 | ABAP Runtime Error Analysis |
ST22 | ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis |
ST62 | Create industry short texts |
STAT | Local transaction statistics |
STMS | Transport Management System |
STUN | Performance Monitoring |
STW1 | Test Workbench: Test catalog |
STW2 | Test workbench: Test plan |
STW3 | Test workbench: Test package |
STW4 | Test Workbench: Edit test package |
STW5 | C maintenance table TTPLA |
STZA | Maintain time zone client |
STZA | Disp.time zone client |
SUMM | Global User Manager |
SU01 | Maintain User |
SU01 | Display users |
SU02 | Maintain Authorization Profiles |
SU03 | Maintain Authorizations |
SU05 | Maintain Internet Users |
SU10 | Mass changes to User Master |
SU11 | Maintain Authorizations |
SU12 | Mass Changes to User Master Records |
SU2 | Maintain User Parameter |
SU20 | Maintain Authorization Fields |
SU21 | Maintain Authorization Objects |
SU22 | Auth. object usage in transactions |
SU24 | Disables Authorization Checks |
SU25 | Imports SAP Check Indicators defaults |
SU26 | Adjust Authorization checks |
SU30 | Total checks in the area of auth. |
SU52 | Maintain own user parameters |
SU53 | Display check values |
SU54 | List for Session Manager |
SU56 | Analyze User Buffer |
SUPC | Profiles for activity groups |
SUPF | Integrated User Maintenance |
SUPO | Maintain Organization Levels |
SUIM | Repository Info System |
SWDC | Workflow Definition |
SXDA | Data Transfer Workbench |
TU02 | Display Active Parameters |
USMM | Customer measurement |
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