Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SD Important T-Codes

Some of the important Transactions Codes in SAP-SD.


Creating Sales Order - VA01
Maintaining a Sales Order - VA02
Displaying a Sales Order - VA03
Releasing an Order or Delivery from Credit Hold: Non-Flooring - VKM1
Display List of RMAs by Customer - VA05
Confirm RMA Goods Receipt - VL02
Generate list of open return orders for deletion - VA05
Display Customer returns eligibility - MCSI
Removing a Billing Block (Approving Credit/Debit Requests) - V.23


Create Pricing - VK11
Creating a Sales Deal - VB21
Maintaining a Sales Deal - VB22
Displaying a Sales Deal - VB23
Maintaining Prices - VK12
Displaying Prices - VK13

Creating Material Substitution Master Data - VB11
Maintaining/Deleting Material Substitution Master Data - VB12
Displaying Material Substitution Master Data - VB13
Creating a Bundled Master - MM01
Creating a Sales BOM - CS01
Maintaining a Sales BOM - CS02
Displaying a Sales BOM - CS03

Creating Partner Records - XD01
Maintaining Customer Master Data - XD02
Displaying Customer Master Data - XD03
Deactivating a Partner - VD06

Creating/Maintaining New Customer Credit Information - FD32
Displaying Customer Credit Information - FD33
Blocking or Unblocking a Customer - VD05

Creating a Delivery - VL01N
Displaying a Delivery - VL03N
Deleting a Delivery - VL02N
Shipment Inquiry / Display - VT03
Adjusting Transfer Order - Confirmation Quantity - LT12
Collectively Confirm Transfer Order - LT25
Batch Shipment Confirmation - VL19
Creating Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK01
Maintaining Serive Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK02
Displaying Service Provider/Carrier Master Data - XK03
Maintaining Product Master/Serial # Profile/Unit of Measure/Shipping Unit - MM02
IDoc Inquiry - WE02 / WE05

Invoicing a Customer Shipment - VF01
Reprinting an Invoice - VF31
Releasing a Sales Order for Billing - V.23
Creating an Invoice by Using the Billing Due List - VF04
Checking Open Billing Documents - VF05
Create Credit/Debit Memo - FB01

Controlling Total Debit/Credit bkgs - F.03
Generate FI Account balance - F.08
Generate Month-to-date Inv. register - F.02
Process payments - FBZ1
Rqst Individual Customer Corresp. - FB12
Generate Customer Correspondence - F.61
Enter Batch totals under Control ttl - FB07
Display G/L Acct. totals - FBL3N
Reverse Posted Amounts - FB08
Customer Refunds - FBL6
Customer Refund to other than Payer - FB05
Clearing Debit/Credit on Cust. acct. - FB1D
Customer Balance in Local Currency - F.23
G/L Account Balance Report - F.08
Create Invoice - legal entity adjust - FB01
Generate Cust. Acct. statements - F.27
Generate Dunning Letters - F150
Generate Billing Due List - VF04
Generate Blocked Billing Doc list - VFX3
Inq. via Credit Release Screen - VKM1
List orders by partner - VA05
Past Due invoices by customer - FD11
Check number info by G/L account - FBL3N
Display customer Line items - FBL5N

The most frequently used transaction codes are as follows:
1. VS00 - Master data
2. VC00 - Sales Support
3. VA00 - Sales
4. VL00 - Shipping
5. VT00 - Transportation
6. VF00 - Billing

Others as follows:
At Configuration:

1. VOV8 - Define Sales documents type (header)
2. OVAZ - Assigning Sales area to sales documents type
3. OVAU - Order reasons
4. VOV4 - Assign Item categoreies(Item cat determination)
5. VOV6 - Scedule line categories
6. OVAL - To assign blocks to relevant sales documents type
7. OVLK - Define delivery types
8. V/06 - Pricing
9. V/08 - Maintain pricing procedure
10.OVKP - Pricing proc determination
11.V/07 - Access sequence


1. Customer Master Creation-VD01 and XD01 (for full inclu company code)
VD02 - Change Customer
VD03 - Display Customer
VD04 - Customer Account Changes
VD06 - Flag for Deletion Customer
XD01 - Create Customer
XD02 - Modify Customer
XD03 - Display Customer
2. Create Other material ----MM00
3. VB11- To create material determination condition record
4. CO09- Material availability Overview
5. VL01 - Create outbound delivery with ref sales order
6. VL04 - Collective processing of delivery
7. VA11 - Create Inquiry
VA12 - Change Inquiry
VA13 - Display Inquiry

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